Scott Badman
Personal Cell Phone: 217 281-2066
Sold, August 2018
2007 Yamaha XT 225 Motorcycle

223 cc engine -- 5 speed manual transmission -- 4-stroke (no mixing of gas and oil, no obnoxious exhaust)
1,375 original miles. (Yes, just thirteen hundred seventy five miles.)
Essentially a brand new motorcycle -- as good as when I bought it.
I bought it for use with my Casita fiberglass "egg" RV.
Fully documented that I bought it new on August 8, 2007
Always garaged year around. Only exposed to the weather when in the back of my pick-up truck.
Run every week or two during the summer, just for the fun of driving it.
Carefully winterized every year.
Everything works as new. All original except for the battery which was recently replaced.
The smallest motorcycle that is fully street legal in Illinois.
Perfect for city use, plus it will stay up with traffic on 2-lane roads.
It will hold 55 miles an hour up any hill in the Midwest.
Also, you can take it off road, which can be really fun.
Legally, you can take it on the Interstate Highways, but I wouldn't recommend doing that.
Kelly Blue Book prices:
Trade-in Value: $1,655 (what a dealer would pay if in good condition)
Suggested Retail Value: $2,460 (what a dealer would charge, in excellent condition with over 15,000 miles,
more than 10 times the mileage on this motorcycle)
List Price when I bought it: $4,199. It was a brand new motorcycle,
but I actually paid $3,539 plus tax in August 2007 because of an end-of-the-season sale.
Electric start. No kick starting needed.
This model has a manual choke, which can be a little tricky when you first start in the morning if you are not used
to manual chokes. If you don't get the choke settings correct as it warms up, it can run rough. After
a few minutes when the choke is not needed any more, the motorcycle runs fine. You should be able
to get the hang of it quickly enough. The tricky choke has been like this since new. This motorcycle
was made during Yamaha's "run lean" period of carburators and manual chokes.
All original manuals and documentation included, plus the Yamaha Repair Manual on CD-ROM.
You can see a picture of the motorcycle loaded in the back of my truck seven years ago at the following link.
(from my Retirement Toys section of this web site -- scroll down to see the motorcycle in the truck)
My old helmet included with the sale (it's not very impressive), plus a motorcycle cover.
Pickup truck loading ramps and Yamaha tie down straps available for $50 extra.
Motorcycles can be dangerous. I'll sell to a young person only with the active participation of a parent or guardian.
Illinois requires you take a Motorcycle Test before you can legally drive on the street.

Current mileage is 1375. These pictures were taken two years ago, but, except for some
additional dust, still represent the motorcycle as it is now.

Full original documentation, plus the Yamaha Shop Manual on CD-ROM.

This and the following picture are the only significant scratches or defects on the motorcycle.
They were caused by the tie-down straps as it was carried in the back of my pick-up truck.

Scott Badman
Personal Cell Phone: 217 281-2066