But I'm a Cheerleader

But I'm a Cheerleader

Polyanna meets Gay Reparative Therapy,

with three lesbian favourites early in their careers,
and Cathy Moriarty, Mink Stole, and a middle aged Bud Cort,
plus RuPaul as a male!

Description from After Ellen's Best Lesbian/Bi Movie Poll:

This dark comedy about ex-gay conversion delivered a political message alongside several lesbian characters and a romance between Megan, the Christian cheerleader, and Graham, the sarcastic rich girl at risk of losing her inheritance. An all-star cast with quotable quips and a killer soundtrack including an unforgettable cello-laden song played during a soft sex scene, we'd be shocked if this wouldn't have landed in the top five.

Description from The Advocate magazine's The Top 175 Essential Films of All Time for LGBT Viewers:

This comedy manages to both make fun of the absurdity of efforts to "de-gay" people by sending them to organizations that claim to rid patients of homosexual desires, and make a poignant statement about the dangers of so-called sexual orientation change efforts. Lesbian director Jamie Babbit brings a poignant queer woman's perspective to the feature, which also stars lesbian fan favorites Natasha Lyonne and Clea Duvall. Ultimately, the most powerful component of this lighthearted film is the nuanced exploration of female sexuality, which has helped more than a few now out and proud ladies - this writer included - come to terms with being a feminine woman who isn't straight. -S.B.

Review Link

Roger Ebert's review

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Happy Gay Movies

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Casey Sutherland, Study Group Facilitator
Scott Badman, Study Group Facilitator